Customer Gallery
Please see some of the projects our customers have been working on.
Willow Deer Workshop
Creating Willow Fawn using the mild steel rods to form the armature for the legs of the sculpture.
Netting supports for bird detterant
This 6mm bar is great for bending into shape, we use the bar to create supports for netting to stop pigeons etc from getting to young crops.
Nantwich miniature railway group
New track extension
Completed sidecar.... passenger required broke the last one
Raised planter
Used angle (mild steel) for the frame, and scaffold boards for the sides and the base of the planter box.
Link box for tractor - Steve.
Steel frame which will be boarded out and used on the tractor to cart things about!
Outriggers for floor standing speakers
5mm thick × 50mm wide mild steel
Column core
1.25M below the ground level